The Art of Actuation

August 23, 2023     What goes up must come down, and what opens must be closed. Although the former was used by Sir Isaac Newton to explain gravity, the latter is also true; especially when it comes to valves. Valves must be opened and closed to allow fluid to start and stop moving through a…

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How Hydraulic Flow Control and Components Regulate Speed

Hydraulic fluid power is created as the pump pushes fluid through the system. The fluid is routed through valves that direct the flow and relieve pressure when required. The fluid actuates the cylinder, resulting in hydraulic energy converting into mechanical energy. This begs the question: Does a hydraulic pump create pressure or flow?   A hydraulic…

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Elevating Fluid Transfer Safety and Efficiency with Dixon MannTek

    Dry disconnect couplings are designed to provide safe connection and disconnection of hoses and pipelines carrying liquids and gasses. Unlike traditional couplings, dry disconnects ensure a clean break to help prevent product loss. Applications From rocket fuels and steam, to hazardous chemicals and coolant water at data centers, dry disconnect couplings are used in…

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